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Alexandre Pelletier
I am an assistant professor of political science at Laval University. Prior to joining Laval University, I was Senior Researcher and Managing Director of the Postcor Lab at the University of Toronto (2021) and a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow at the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies-Southeast Asia Program at Cornell University (2019-2021). I obtained my Ph.D. in political science from the University of Toronto in 2019. I am the winner of a 2019 Governor General's Gold Medal for the highest academic standing at the University of Toronto, the Vincent-Lemieux Prize for the best dissertation in Canada in 2017-2018 (CPSA), and the Honorable Mention for the Aaron Wildavsky Best Dissertation Award in Religion and Politics (APSA). I work on religious violence ethnic conflict in Southeast Asia, with a focus on Indonesia and Myanmar, where I have conducted extensive fieldwork. I am a co-investigator on a new SSHRC insight development grant on war to peace transitions in Southeast Asia. I am the co-author of Winning by Process: The State and the Neutralization of Ethnic Minorities in Myanmar, forthcoming book at Cornell University Press (August, 2022). |